

Additionally exploring pranayama techniques & investigating yoga nidra, we also intend to consider many traditional Tantric meditation techniques:

Trataka, Kaya Sthairyam, Breath Awareness, Japa, Ajapa Japa, Chakra Dharana, Chidakasha Dharana, Hridayakasha Dharana, Antar Mouna, Tattwa Shuddhi & Nada Yoga.

next class: TBA

Please contact us to check availability.

Hatha Yoga

These classes focus on enhancing your awareness & integrating a simple program towards your daily yoga practice. Classes will include a mixture of pranayama (breath work), asana (gentle “mindful” movement), mudra & bandha (redirection of energy) + yoga nidra (relaxation) & meditation.

next class: TBA

Please contact us to check availability.


  • 6 week block starts during first week / middle of the month, block payments taken during this week only unless new to class & starting block for first time, in which case some flexibility will arise
  • 6 week blocks  can be used at various classes from the date of purchase, giving further flexibility in case of appointments or something arises socially
  • Drop in (£9) any time to try out a class; please contact in advance for spaces / availability
  • Drop in (£9) only available to try class or until block resumes. £7 can be paid for remainder of the block after trying out the class; please speak discreetly in case of shift work, childcare & holidays.
  • Don’t let lack of finances prevent you from undertaking the practice of yoga! If money is an issue, discreetly speak to your teacher to arrange a possible payment structure.

Private classes

  • Private classes – initially £50 for consultation (including first four appraisals as detailed below)
  • Four week block of Private Classes (valid over five weeks) – £160 for 75 mins
  • Corporate classes £40 for 75 mins.

If requested & included, before undertaking private classes we can conduct body composition, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, plus strength & endurance appraisals. From these initial tests one’s ability to undertake yoga classes can be determined, then planning a personalised yoga program to safely meet individuals’ specific requirements.